TiLT Assignment Structure

TiLT Framework Assignment Template

This assignment template is based on the Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) framework, which enhances student understanding by clearly explaining the purpose, tasks, submission guidelines, and criteria for success. This transparency fosters a more equitable learning environment, helping all students achieve their best.

Using TiLT can also improve student engagement and motivation, leading to better outcomes for everyone. The TILT Framework is beneficial for all teaching and learning modalities—online, in-person, or hybrid—and is effective whether the assignment uses technology or not.

To learn more about TiLT, visit the TiLT Project website.


Explain why this assignment is important to student learning and/or career development. Specifying why you chose specific tools, topics, or techniques will help students navigate and prioritize their journey. Remember to clarify terminology that students and/or non-native speakers may not be familiar with (e.g., acronyms, variations, discipline jargon). This is also a great place to share your enthusiasm for the topic!

[Optional] AI in this Assignment

Clarify the expectations and tools students can use in this assignment. Note when it is appropriate to use AI in this assignment and when it’s not.


  • Describe any steps or activities a student will need to perform to complete this assignment.
  • Provide an estimated time to complete the tasks and, if applicable, indicate which tasks are suitable to be enhanced with AI.
  • Break down large assessments into smaller, manageable tasks.


  • Include resources that will help students successfully complete the tasks above (e.g., texts, tools, glossary)

Submission Guidelines

  • Include details about structure, technical requirements, submission methods, file types, etc.
  • Include submission deadlines

Criteria for Success

  • Refer students to an attached rubric and/or include a description of what you consider successful work and/or relevant examples




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AI Cookbook: Recipes and More from the University of Missouri Copyright © 2024 by University of Missouri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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