Assessment and Intervention Planning
The assessment and intervention planning content outline comprises 24% of the Masters exam (approximately 36 questions).
Competencies and knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)
IIA. Biopsychosocial History and Collateral Data
- The components of a biopsychosocial assessment
- The components and function of the mental status examination
- Biopsychosocial responses to illness and disability
- Biopsychosocial factors related to mental health
- The indicators of psychosocial stress
- Basic medical terminology
- The indicators of mental and emotional illness throughout the lifespan
- The types of information available from other sources (e.g., agency, employment, medical, psychological, legal, or school records)
- Methods to obtain sensitive information (e.g., substance abuse, sexual abuse)
- The indicators of addiction and substance abuse
- The indicators of somatization
- Co-occurring disorders and conditions
- Symptoms of neurologic and organic disorders
- The indicators of sexual dysfunction
- Methods used to assess trauma
- The indicators of traumatic stress and violence
- Common psychotropic and non-psychotropic prescriptions and over-the-counter medications and their side effects
IIB. Assessment Methods and Techniques
- The factors and processes used in problem formulation
- Methods of involving clients/client systems in problem identification (e.g., gathering collateral information)
- Techniques and instruments used to assess clients/client systems
- Methods to incorporate the results of psychological and educational tests into assessment
- Risk assessment methods
- The indicators and risk factors of the client’s/client system’s danger to self and others
- Methods to assess the client’s/client system’s strengths, resources, and challenges (e.g., individual, family, group, organization, community)
- Methods to assess motivation, resistance, and readiness to change
- Methods to assess the client’s/client system’s communication skills
- Methods to assess the client’s/client system’s coping abilities
- The indicators of the client’s/client system’s strengths and challenges
- Methods to assess ego strengths
- Placement options based on assessed level of care
- The use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association
- The indicators of behavioral dysfunction
- Methods to develop, review, and implement crisis plans
- The principles and features of objective and subjective data
- Basic and applied research design and methods
- Data collection and analysis methods
- Methods to assess reliability and validity in social work research
IIC. Intervention Planning
- Methods to involve clients/client systems in intervention planning
- The indicators of motivation, resistance, and readiness to change
- Cultural considerations in the creation of an intervention plan
- The criteria used in the selection of intervention/treatment modalities (e.g., client/client system abilities, culture, life stage)
- The components of intervention, treatment, and service plans
- Psychotherapies
- The impact of immigration, refugee, or undocumented status on service delivery
- Discharge, aftercare, and follow-up planning