Spine and Pelvis
35 Pelvis
Iliac crest, Ilium, Anterior superior iliac spine, Anterior inferior iliac spine, Ala, Obturator foramen, Ischium, Pubis, Ischial tuberosity, Ischial spine, Acetabulum, Greater sciatic notch, Lesser sciatic notch, Sacrum, Sacroiliac joints, Coccyx
[Part], PA or AP
CR Location
[Part], PA or AP –
Evaluation Criteria
[Part], PA or AP –
Hows & Whys of Pelvis Radiography
- How can you tell that a pelvis is not rotated?
- Equal distance from ASIS to tabletop on both sides.
- If a patient has an orthopedic appliance (hip replacement, pins, etc.), how much of the appliance should be included on the image?
- All of it.
- Which position demonstrates the greater trochanter in profile?
- AP
- Why should the toes be turned inward 15 – 20º?
- To place the femoral necks parallel with the image receptor