Creating Objective Quizzes/Exams

A group of student robots taking an objective quiz in a futuristic classroom setting. The robots are humanoid in design, seated at individual desks.
AI Art Generated on ChatGPT-4o/ DALL·E 2024-08-12 20.46.00
Image prompt: Please create an image of student robots taking an objective quiz


This recipe helps you design an objective (multiple-choice, true/false) quiz or exam that accurately assesses students’ understanding of the course material. Use this recipe to create questions that are clear, measurable, and aligned with your course learning objectives.


Here are some things you might use when using ChatGPT to create discussion prompts:

  • Course-level learning objectives (CLOs)
  • Specific module or unit the quiz/exam will cover
  • Number of questions or the length of the quiz/exam
  • Types of questions (e.g., multiple choice, true/false, matching, short answer)

Optional Ingredients:

  • Specific topics or concepts to emphasize in the quiz/exam
  • Difficulty level or distribution of questions (e.g., easy, moderate, challenging)
  • Instructions for students on how to approach the quiz/exam

AI Recipe – Try this prompt in ChatGPT:

Please create a objective quiz/exam for a [insert course level, e.g., undergraduate] course on [insert module or unit topic]. The quiz/exam should include [insert number] questions. These questions should cover key concepts from the module and align with the following course learning objectives: [insert specific course learning objectives in quotes]. Include various question types, such as multiple choice, true/false, or matching, to assess different levels of understanding.


After generating the quiz/exam, ensure the following:

  1. The questions clearly align with the course learning objectives and effectively assess students’ understanding of key concepts.
  2. The language used in the questions is clear, unambiguous, and appropriate for the course level.
  3. The variety of question types ensures a comprehensive assessment of students’ knowledge and skills.
  4. Consider asking ChatGPT to provide a correct answer key or rationales for each question to ensure accuracy.

By following this recipe, you can create an objective quiz or exam that effectively evaluates students’ mastery of the course content while aligning with your educational goals.

Example AI Prompt

Please create an objective quiz/exam for an undergraduate psychology course on “Cognitive Development.” The quiz/exam should include 20 questions. These questions should cover key concepts from the module and align with the following course learning objectives: “Explain major theories of cognitive development” and “Analyze how research on cognitive development applies to real-world situations.” Include various question types, such as multiple choice, true/false, or matching, to assess different levels of understanding and ensure a balance of easy, moderate, and challenging questions.



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