Active Learning Strategies

Tool: DALL-E 3 through ChatGPT-4o w. Plus Subscription
Prompt: “Create an image of a diverse group of students gathered around a table in a library at night, engaged in a group project. ”
Are you unsure how to spark engagement and interaction among students? Generative AI tools can help you with designing and developing active and student-centered learning experiences that inspire and enthrall students. Generative AI can kindle that creative inspiration you need to offer your students something memorable and meaningful as part of their learning experience!
Prior to seeking help from a tool like Claude or Gemini, you will need to have a learning objective. This learning objective will serve as a “goalpost” for students. Please ensure that this learning objective is SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This SMART learning objective will clarify for generative AI what knowledge, skills, or attitudes students should practice and demonstrate in the activity or assessment it will develop for you. A clear learning objective is essential to creating an effective and aligned activity or assessment.
- Learning objective
- Context of the course in question
- Characteristics of activity or assessment being sought
Try this prompt in the AI-app of your choice:
AI Prompt Recipe
Select a learning objective for which you would like to develop engaging and effective activities or assessments.
Copy and paste the learning objective into a prompt and then add, “I am teaching a [description of course] course to [student audience]. Please create some suggestions for an engaging, active, and student-centered activity or assessment that would align with this learning objective.” Please feel free to add other desired characteristics of the activity or assessment, such as the use of small groups or of problem-based learning.
Use iterative prompting as needed.