Module Overviews/Wrap-ups

An image symbolizing the conclusion of an educational module. A digital interface displays a Module Completed banner or message with a checkmark ai.
AI Art Generated on ChatGPT-4o/DALL·E 2024-08-12 20.55.28
Image prompt: Please create an image of a module wrapped up


This recipe will help you craft effective module overviews and wrap-ups that provide students with a clear understanding of what they will learn and how it connects to the broader course objectives. These overviews/wrap-ups serve as touchpoints to summarize key concepts, reinforce learning, and set the stage for upcoming content.


Here are some things you might use when using ChatGPT to create discussion prompts:
  • Module learning objectives (MLOs)
  • Key concepts or topics covered in the module
  • Connection to course-level learning objectives (CLOs)
  • Summary of key activities, readings, and assignments within the module

Optional Ingredients:

  • Reflection questions or prompts for students to consider
  • Preview of upcoming modules or content
  • Additional resources or readings for further exploration
  • Insights on how the module content ties into real-world applications

AI Recipe – Try this prompt in ChatGPT:

Please create a [insert length, e.g., brief or detailed] module overview/wrap-up for a [insert course level, e.g., undergraduate] course on [insert module topic]. The overview should include the following elements:

  • A summary of the module’s key concepts and topics.
  • A review of the module’s learning objectives and how they connect to the broader course objectives.
  • A recap of major activities, readings, and assignments completed during the module.
  • Optional: Include reflection questions or a preview of what’s to come in the next module.


After generating the module overview/wrap-up, ensure the following:
  1. The summary accurately reflects the key concepts and topics covered in the module.
  2. The connection between the module learning objectives and the course-level objectives is clearly articulated.
  3. The recap of activities and assignments helps reinforce the students’ understanding and provides closure to the module.
  4. Consider asking ChatGPT to include reflective questions or additional insights to deepen students’ engagement with the material.
By following this recipe, you can create effective module overviews and wrap-ups that help students consolidate their learning and see the bigger picture of the course.

Example AI Prompt 

Please create a detailed module wrap-up for an undergraduate sociology course on “Social Inequality.” The wrap-up should summarize the key concepts discussed, such as class, race, and gender inequality. Review the module’s learning objectives, highlighting how they connect to the course-level objective of “Analyzing the impact of social structures on individual and group behavior.” Recap the major assignments, including the comparative analysis essay, and offer a preview of the next module on “Social Movements and Change.”


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