Creating a Module

A Middle Eastern woman working through a learning module on a laptop in a modern study space.
AI Art Generated on ChatGPT-4o/Dall-E 2024-08-14 12.22.28 – Image prompt: Please create an image of a Middle Eastern woman* working through a learning module. *AI tends to have biases so a Middle Eastern woman was specified.


This recipe helps you design a comprehensive course module that aligns with course-level objectives and meets your students’ needs. Use this recipe to outline module content, activities, and assessments that reinforce learning outcomes.


Here are some things you might use when using ChatGPT to create discussion prompts:
  • Course level (e.g., undergraduate, graduate)
  • Course-level learning objectives (CLOs)
  • Module topic, theme, or title

Optional Ingredients:

  • List of required readings or resources
  • Description of major assessments (e.g., exams, projects)
  • Examples of student work or performance expectation

AI Recipe – Try this prompt in ChatGPT:

Please create a detailed module for a [insert course level, e.g., undergraduate] course on [insert course title]. The module should include the following elements:
  • Module learning objectives (MLOs) that align with the course-level objectives. Each MLO should be clear, measurable, and achievable.
  • Key readings or resources that students will need to engage with during the module.
  • Activities and assignments that support the module learning objectives and help students apply what they’ve learned.
  • Assessment methods to evaluate students’ understanding and mastery of the module content.
  • Show Alignment within the module


After generating the module outline, ensure the following:
  1. The MLOs are clearly aligned with the broader course objectives and are measurable.
  2. The module content (readings, activities, assignments) is relevant and enhances student understanding of the topic.
  3. The assessment methods effectively gauge students’ achievement of the module objectives.
  4. Consider asking ChatGPT to revise or expand on any component to fit your course structure or audience better.
Following this recipe, you can create well-structured and engaging course modules that contribute to a cohesive learning experience.

Example AI Prompt

Please create a module for an undergraduate course on “Introduction to Environmental Science.” The module should cover the topic of “Climate Change.” Include 3-5 MLOs that align with the following course-level objectives: “Understand the scientific basis of climate change,” and “Evaluate the impact of climate change on global ecosystems.” List key readings, describe an assignment where students analyze a recent climate report, and specify how their understanding will be assessed through a reflective essay. Show module alignment.


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