Outlining Course Modules

College professor creating course modules.
AI Art Generated on ChatGPT-4o/Dall-E Image prompt: create an image of a college professor creating course modules.


This recipe will guide you in defining or outlining the structure of your course’s modules. By using this recipe, you’ll create a clear and cohesive framework for your course, ensuring that each module logically progresses from one to the next and aligns with the overall course objectives.


Here are some things you might use when using ChatGPT to create discussion prompts:
  • Course level (e.g., undergraduate, graduate)
  • Course-level learning objectives (CLOs)
  • Total number of modules you want in the course
  • Major themes or topics to cover in the course

Optional Ingredients:

  • Sequence or order in which you want the modules to be delivered
  • Estimated time or weeks allocated for each module
  • Key transitions or connections between modules

AI Recipe – Try this prompt in ChatGPT:

Please outline the modules for a [insert course level, e.g., undergraduate] course on [insert course topic] with the following course objectives: [insert course objectives]. The outline should include:
  • Module titles that accurately reflect the key focus of each module.
  • Module sequence or order that ensures a logical progression of learning from foundational concepts to more advanced topics.
  • Brief description or purpose for each module, explaining how it fits within the overall course and how it aligns with the course-level objectives.
  • Module duration or timeline (optional), indicating the time students are expected to spend on each module.


After generating the module outline, ensure the following:
  1. The module titles clearly convey the content and purpose of each module.
  2. The sequence of modules supports a logical progression of learning, ensuring students build upon prior knowledge as they move through the course.
  3. The brief descriptions provide enough detail to understand the focus of each module without delving into specific content.
  4. Ask ChatGPT to revise or expand any part of the outline to ensure alignment with your course goals and audience needs.
Using this recipe, you can effectively define or outline the modules for your course, creating a structured roadmap that guides both you and your students through the learning journey.

Example AI Prompt

Outline the modules for an undergraduate course titled “Fundamentals of Marketing.” Include 8 modules with titles such as “Introduction to Marketing Principles,” “Consumer Behavior,” “Marketing Research,” etc. Provide a brief description of each module, explaining its purpose and how it supports the course-level objectives. Specify the sequence in which the modules should be delivered to build upon students’ knowledge effectively.


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