Role-playing: Scenarios and Case Studies

A group of six diverse students visiting while sitting on the campus quad at sunset in Missouri.
Adobe Express Prompt: Create an image of a group of six diverse students visiting while sitting on the campus quad at sunset in Missouri.

We might ask students to engage in scenarios or case studies, to take on “roles” as part of their learning. Generative AI can enrich these role-playing exercises by serving as one of the parties in the scenario or case study in question. Students can then engage in back-and-forth with the generative AI to navigate and resolve the situation at hand.


You should have developed a clear scenario or case study that aligns with your learning objectives. Once you have chosen the situation that students will navigate through role-playing, please provide the instructions and structure students will need to successfully complete this activity in partnership with generative AI.

Please note that you should also ask students to engage in reflection upon completion of this activity. Such a reflection will invite them to process this experience and give you feedback.


  • A specific scenario or case study with a meaningful and engaging problem or situation
  • Multiple roles (one for the student, one for the AI tool, and so on)

Try this prompt in the AI-app of your choice:


“You and I are in a scenario or case study. [Describe scenario or case study.]

“I would like for you to serve as the [role] in this situation, while I will serve as the [role]. Begin by posing a meaningful and specific question to me that suits your role and begins the process of navigating and addressing the situation at hand in this scenario or case study.”



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AI Cookbook: Recipes and More from the University of Missouri Copyright © 2024 by University of Missouri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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